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June 2011 -

Lighten the Lode - Weekend Drift-In
Looking forward to seeing everybody on June 17/18/19 at the
Lower Lode Inn, a traditional pub with riverside campsite,
shower & toilets. Any questions - please ask on the forum.
Previous Years Rally Info
May 2010 -
"John O'Groats to Lands End - May 2010"
June 2009 -
June 12-13th 2009
10th Anniversary Drifter Rally
hosted by Gino, in Abergele, N Wales.
For more info click here
April 2008 -
Fri 18 - Sun 20th - Nigel & Gino hosted the first 2008 Drifter Rally this year, back at Swallow Falls -
check out Nigels report and more pictures from the "Freezing The Dragon" Rally.
May 2008 -
Sun 4th - Mick Ranson arranged a brilliant route for the Ride-out in Essex,
starting at the Bungalow Cafe at Marks Tey, just off the A12.

Fri 30th - Sun June 1st - Indian Motocycle Rally at King's Lynn. What a great rally this was and you can read more and view pics at Les's writeup
June 2008 -
Fri 13 - Sun 15 - Check out the world record challenge invite from Simon Cushworth
(Northern Area Sec. for the VRA) at the VRA What’s On page (
July 2008 -
Sat 11th - Sun 12th - 'Festival of 1000 bikes' at Mallory Park
August 2008 -
Fri 8th - Sun 10th - This year is the 4th UKDOG Rally, named the 'Three Peaks Rally' due to it's location at Horton in Ribblesdale. Based at the Golden Lion, this year Phil is the main organiser as it's in his back yard. For more info click here
And for a few more words and pictures, see another writeup
September 2008 -
Sun 21st - Ride out to Cruiser day at the Ace Cafe and London Motorcycle Museum visit
September 2007 - Scottish Vulcan/Drifter Ride-Out - A writeup from RLB on
a mid September Scottish Ride-Out

September 2007 - Lakes Rally -
A writeup and pics from Nigel on the Lakes Rally
June 2007 - Suffolk Punch UKDOG Rally - The weather was against us for this, the
"3rd UKDOG Rally" in Suffolk. In spite of this, we
still had a good turnout of Drifters who made it down to enjoy the Rally and we managed
to keep a few other Doggies happy at the same time by raising raised £360 for the local
animal shelter.
 April 2007 - Baby Dragon - Back in North Wales again and another great venue at
Swallow Falls for the Baby Dragon ride.
September 2006 - Hadrian's Wall Drifter Rally - A second meet for 2006, Hadrian's
Wall prooved to be yet another fantastic ride with stunning scenery.
Hadrian's Wall
June 2006 - Horton UKDOG Rally - Our second annual Rally, this time down at Horton in
Somerset where we had the most perfect weather to top off the whole weekend.
"2nd UKDOG Rally" pics and reports
April 2006 - First Belgium Drifter Meet -
Tony Van Looveren,
Paul "GORBY" Grantcharoff and Gert "Fox" Devos at their first Belgium Drifter Meet where
their enthusiasm has led to Gert preparing for a Drifter tour at the end of May.

September 2005 - Driftin The Dragon -
Following on from the success of the 1st Rally,
we had a second meet in North Wales, aptly named
"Driftin The Dragon
June 2005 - Matlock UKDOG Rally - Check out the info, pics and rally reports for
our "1st UKDOG Rally" at Matlock in the heart of
Derbyshire where we all finally met up for the first time and got to check out some of the best sweeping roads around the Cat & Fiddle. An excellent turnout of 25 Drifters and the start of many happy miles of riding, plus a chance to also put names to faces at last.
August 2004 - Copdock Charity Bike Run. A few pics of Suffolk Drifters parked up before
and after the run, including Paul & Andrea's 1500 J1 and Doug's 800 C2. As usual, 100's of bikes turned out for the run in perfect riding
weather and loads of dosh was raised for charity. A top day.
July 2004 - North East Bike Show - Below are a few pics Phil Quanbrough sent through from the
meet. It's good to see another row of Drifters. Thanks Phil
2003 October 2003 - East Coast Drifter Meet at Copdock Bike Show -
The first UK Drifter Group gathering in Suffolk with a turnout of 8 Drifters. Click to
see a brief "Rally Writeup and Pics".
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