
June 17-19th



"The Plough"


Click on link to read Rally Writeups from Les , from Nigel and from Lonewolf

Friday -     The Dog Pound is open!

Saturday -
    Thanks to Butch - Early afternoon he's arranged a special private viewing of some classic motorcycles at a very select museum (at Bakewell - home of the 'Tart') which is normally only open on bank holidays. The collection represents a period from 1900 thru to the 1970s and includes a 1901 Singer and a 1924 Panther amongst it's exhibits. The cost to us is only £2 per person and all funds raised will go to various charities.

    Thanks to Indain John - Who's arranging the main ride out of the weekend with hopefully a couple of hours cruising around the Peak District National Park and surrounding areas. Will have a stops along the way, a sensible pace and back in time for evening grub!

Sunday -
    Say your farewells as we close up the Dog Pound until next year!

More specific info nearer the time.
For rally merchandise (stickers, patches and T shirts) - ordering info available shortly

How to get there

The First UKDOG Rally Writeup by Les

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