East Coast Drifter Meet at the Copdock Bike Show 2003

It couldn't have been any better.!

I guess we arrived at the show between 10.30 - 11:00, and having gone to the main bike park we just checked with one of the 'parking guys' if it was ok to pitch camp away from the ever growing bike park to get some space, then picked up our prop mats and set off for an unoccupied corner of the field right behind one of the stands. After parking the bikes at the suitably required angle for maximum wow factor, out came the new UKDOG banner which had been carefully constructed the day before, and hey presto camp was set up. After admiring our combined handiwork, we set off to park the helmets and have a quick look round before the first check back to hopefully meet the others.

So there we were just starting to look around the covered show bikes, listening to the chap on the PA announcing that some poor soul had dropped their keys when I turned to Paul to say 'You have got my key haven't you' only to be met by a blank look. I rushed out of the barn to the comments about blondes and hair dye, realising that in my eagerness to help get the banner straight I'd completely forgotten to remove and pocket my key. Even I was muttering about how stupid could I have been as I bustled through the crowds, but rather than it being anything to do with my hair colour, I put it down to the nasty bump on my head I'd obtained whilst going up the loft ladder to find the right colour cotton for the banner the day before. Believe me, heads and ceilings dont mix well..!

As I rounded the corner to retrieve my key, another welcome sight was in front of me as Clive (Clive Holder - #006) had just arived, noticed the bikes and dutifully parked up in line. So then we were three. As I was chatting to Clive, admiring his new leather accessories I hadn't seen before, and trying out his seat height (I could get both feet flat on the ground with knees bent as well ..Marie I hope you get to try this out sometime, it really is low) we saw another Drifter coming across the field, and along came Dave (Dave Pittock - #015) from Cambridge on his beige 800. Well that had done it, the most Drifter's I'd personally seen parked up together since the Drift-In 01 rally in the US. After a very nice chat with Dave and pointing him in the rough direction of the Helmet Park, Clive went off to look round the bikes and I nipped off to find Paul who by this time was beginning to wonder where I'd got to. We went back to the 'camp' and Dave turned up a few minutes later and the introductions started again.

Time was flying past, Mike and Liz (Mike King - #105) turned up to meet us and so he went off to fetch his red 800, so now there were 5 in a row and mighty fine they all looked in the brilliant sunshine. The bike park was well over half full by now and so people were starting to use the entrance just next our camp and there were a lot of turned heads, admiration and photos being taken... of our Drifter's.! Then Paul (Paul Murden - #008) pulled in on his 1500 and parked up. He'd come all the way from East Sussex, a mighty fine effort in my opinion ..I do owe you an apology though Paul, I'm not quite sure how, I think I was probably gassing too much with another friend I hadn't seen since April, but I never actually got to chat with you, but I'm sure Paul made up for that.

As we'd been there for over an hour by now talking Drifters, we thought we'd try to see some more of the show, so off we went to the auto-jumble. After a couple of really nice hot doughnuts, we were on our way scouring the stands for some BSA parts Paul was looking for, and some crash bars that might be suitable for the rear of his Drifter. It was about half two before we made our way back to the bikes in time for another surprise as Marie (Marie Dyer - #043) had arrived from Diss on her beige 800, actually she'd been there a while, but fortunately Dave was there and they were having a good chat. We just missed another 1500 Drifter owner who'd parked up for a short while so we missed seeing the full 8 all lined up as he and Clive left just before we'd got back. (Sorry about that whoever you were.!) We were both over the moon that so many had turned up, but at last we had pics with 6 drifters in, and the nicest thing of all (apart from the perfect weather of course) was the chance to put faces to names and meet with all you guys at last.

It really was a great day out, and we hope this can be the first of many in the future. (Mike beware, your offer of help in organising future meets may well be called upon!) And as for the auto-jumble, well not unexpectedly, the dirty old unlabelled crash bars that Paul spotted and picked up for a mere £7.75 (after a bit of bargaining from yours truly.!) have just been offered up to his Drifter, and with a couple of small brackets and a large hammer, look set to be a perfect fit. I'm still not sure quite how he does it..!

All in all.. i'd say we had a great day out and here's to next year.. same time.. same place.!


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