Lakes Meet September 2007

The run to the hills 7/8/9/ September 2007.

Because of work commitments we didn’t set off for the lakes until 5 am Saturday morning , we were a little late and missed Gino at our meeting point so winding the throttle wide open, with June clinging on for dear life we set off at a rate of knots. Riding like a bat out of hell we made our way via the A55 and the M56 to the M6 heading North at the start of a beautiful Autumn morning. Pulling into Charnock Richard services who did we see but Gino bouncing up and down and waving like a lunatic. A quick brew and fuel then back onto the M6 for the lakes. Leaving the M6 at junction 36 we had a scenic little ride to the delightful campground at Stybeck. We checked into the B&B and then wandered down to say hullo to the campers who were surrounded by the farms poultry. Dave Bongo immediately pressed a large bacon cob into my hand which is quite frankly my kind of greeting. After saying hullo to all those who were there friends both old and new we mounted up for the ride. All I can say is it was tremendous very enjoyable and just about as challenging as I felt comfortable with . June really enjoyed the scenery along the way. The first photo stop was set in magnificent scenery and there was much clicking of cameras. Continuing on we travelled through magnificent scenery to a little cafe for the bun fight. Thoroughly refreshed we continued our merry way to Lunch and a walk round Keswick market. It was only after I had purchased some mediocre grub from Greggs bakery that I was told of the pie stall ran by a very talented pie man whose wares I could only admire from a distance Junes purse remaining very firmly closed. (for my health’s sake she insists) Reconvening at the car park we continued on.

More magnificent riding and we stopped by a lovely lake for lots more picky`s. A certain gentleman, an officer of the law no less and an upstanding member of the community offered to go skinny dipping in the lake for a contribution off each of us for his scout troop. So for a quid each we saw bongo stripped and swimming in the freezing lake the man is definitely crackers. Having read this June is now complaining she missed bongo waving his underwear above his head got to keep `em peeled babe. Yes there are chaps in the distance on this picture of male bonding not bondage. It would be kinder not to draw attention to the fact that this group of doggies are all of ample proportion this saying much for the pulling power of the bike. We returned to the camp for a shower and a change of clothes for the long walk to the pub, Bongo`s 600 yards are nearer a ruddy mile and nearer 2 on the way back after a big supper ,wine and copious quantities of fine local ales. The evening went swimmingly with Gino the magnificent entertaining with magic tricks the food was good the wine copious and the excellent company made the night. Sunday dawned with many of us somewhat the worst for wear after the previous evening. Some who will remain nameless went to extraordinary lengths to hide from the camera. This lady being particularly shy of being photographed minus make up. As this picture shows Max Factor and Avon work wonders. Finally leaving the camp we met some friends in Ambleside for a coffee then headed home with many happy memories of a super week end . Thanks must got to Bongo and Jay for organising the rally and all their hard work with ensuring biker sized bacon butties were in plentiful supply.Also metion must be made of all those who helped to make it a super week end especially Boggy and others . A special thank you to Paul and Lesley for planning the ride. Excellent job well done all.

Sun light onthe Lake

Bongo admires the view

Bongo nude in the lake

Campers at Stybeck

Good morning Linda

Group Photo

June and Nigel

Lakeside male bonding

Look at the shine on the bald patch

Not many to the pound

Ready for home tired but happy

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