Member Info

Below you'll find details in brief about the member areas where you can show off your pride and joy in the Gallery or as a Featured Drifter. You can send in some profile details if you like and comments for the guestbook.


Member List : Gallery : Profile : Featured Drifter : Guestbook

Members List - Welcome to the latest new members -

          #265 Steve (Swamp) & Lisa Marsh
          #266 Ollie Bunn
          #267 Jayson (Jay) Keating
          #268 Peter Allen
          #269 Des Riley
          #270 Sue Bland
          #271 Leo Warren
          #272 David Garrad
          #273 Richard Jukes
          #274 James Allen
          #275 Ray Mcleod
          A012 Keith Abramson

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Gallery - Remember to send us in new and updated pictures for the Gallery and check out the pages regularly as we are always adding new members pics in
(preferably as a .jpg < 100K for a speedy delivery)

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Profile - We have a new feature on the web - 'Member Profile' where you can read more about the group members, get to know each other more before meeting up at Rallies and Ride-Ins and find out other usefull information on services that they may have to offer the group.

We've had a few takers already, check them out using the Profile button (left), or click on the date link in the Profile column as you review the Members list

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Featured Drifter - We've also re-introduced the 'Featured Drifter' started back in January 2005 when Tig from Manatoba in Canada shared pictures and information on his stunning 1500, with a unique and highly detailed native Indian themed paint job. The original 6 features from January to June 2005 are there to start us off. Don't be put off if you have standard paint and haven't changed anything from it's factory finish. If you're proud, then shout about it. Don't wait to be asked, just send us a few pictures and words and we'll feature it in the next available slot.

Thanks to Phil for kicking the ball off again as April's Feature

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Guestbook - We've had a couple of replies sent in already for another feature for the new website, where it's your chance to join in on the site and share your comments and thoughts by sending them in via email or an online 'Guestbook' form, and to read other members thoughts and ideas about the UKDOG and the Drifter.

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