The Three Peaks Drifter Rally August 2008
Date - 8th Aug 2008.....10th Aug 2008
Venue - Horton in Ribblesdale
Site - The Golden Lion (The camp site with facilities is situated next door to the Hotel. For details contact Chris Sutcliffe at Holme farm on 01729 860281.If the camp site is full, we have a field in which to pitch a tent but the only facilities are those in the Hotel whilst we are open...
B and B - Nigel is using a guest house in nearby Settle as the pub is now fully
We will hopefully have a Gazebo on site and arrangements are being made for a BBQ on Friday and/or Saturday night. Phil is trying to sort this out, so please do let him know if you are interested, so he can work out the shopping menu as much as possible before the actual day
There will hopefully be trophies for Best 800 Drifter and Best 1500 Drifter.
We also have a T-shirt design (see below), orders are being taken at present whilst the design is being proofed at the printers. They are expected to be £7-8 depending on the no.s ordered. Again, please let us know if you are interested and if so, what sizes you require as there will be no spares available on the day. If anyone is not attending the rally but would still like a T shirt, I can get them posted out for £1.20 p&p. Orders need to be in by 10th July so please check your name is on the list below if you want one.
Final T- shirt orders as at July 24th
Ana & Kris - 1 size S, 1 size XL
Boss - 1 size L
Edward Long - 1 size XL
Gino - 1 size L
Les - 1 size L
Nigel - 2 size XXXL
Paul Ward - 1 size XL, 1 size XXL
Phil Coates - 2 size XL
Steve Chatwin - 1 size XL
Attendance List
UKDOG 000 - MC (Suffolk) |
Please fill in the Attendance form below if you'd like your name to be added above and click "send" to mail us your details
Contact Details