Wet and windy at the Three Peaks
Back again, for the fourth UKDOG newsletter. This time having just about recovered from a nasty sore throat and chesty cough after camping at the Three Peaks Rally at Horton in Ribblesdale. The new sleeping bag would have been fine had I not been so wet, but none the less I had a great time and as usual have penned a bit on the event.!! Just click above to read and see a few pictures on what I've fondly nicknamed the 'Sodden Rats Rally'. Thanks to Phil & Jeannie for all their efforts. No pun intended, but I think we've all taken a rain check and will be back later to catch those missed views on the ride in glorious sunshine.
Welcome to our newest members -
#241 Nick Serkiov from Stevenage, Herts
#242 Lesley & Gaz from Malvern
#243 Paul Foster from Peacehaven
#244 Mip Phillips from Sundridge, Sevenoaks
#245 Dave Young from Durham City
#246 Adrian Broadbent from Leeds
#247 Paul from south of London
#248 Rob Gibbons from Essex
#249 Andy from Dingwall
#A011 Buddy Burks from Covington Va, Canada
Featured Drifter -
Following on from Indian John's Drifter featured for June, we had Mac's for July and Denny Berg's in August. Check them all out in the
'Featured Drifter' gallery and get snapping with those cameras to be featured for October.
Member Profile -
Read our latest member profiles
Meets and stuff -
There's a rideout, or rather a ridein planned for the Cruiser Day at the
Ace Cafe on Sunday 21st September if anyone's interested. Check the forum for more chat and see who may be going.
You can also drop us an email if you'd like to add an event on the website, whether it's a rally, a ride out, or a meet and greet. Include a few lines and links if you want so people can see when and where. You might have a favourite route or a local bike meet you go to that others might be interested in. Remember that the Events page is for everyone in the group to use and if there's nothing there people will think there's nothing going on.
On a similar subject, looking to next year, it would be great to have a celebration of 10 years since the Drifter was first on sale in the UK in early 2000. So if you'd like this to happen, get your thinking caps on, talk about it on the forum and lets see if we can't all pull together to get something organised and see a convoy of Drifter fenders on a rideout.
Hints & Tips -
Write the mileage on the inside of the new tyre your fitting..
gives you an idea how each tyre/brand lasts.
When fitting new exhausts, spray good quality heat resistant
paint inside the headers.. apply several coats ..dry with a heat gun
between coats.. this will minimise blueing of the chrome.
Breakdown Help -
The breakdown idea is still being thought about, so if you would like to put forward you name and contact no. along with any offer of support to anyone in need of help, then please let Phil know. As mentioned previously, this can be anything from a cuppa and support by the side of the road, to pick up on a trailer or in a van, help with repairs, offer of a spanner, a spare room for the night... etc. We're still looking for people all over to try and get the project kickstarted, so please don't be shy in coming forward.
Fun Stuff -
No-one could identify those eyes, that does surprise me. Still we had some emails for the caption contest again for the
'Nun's picture -
From Phil - "Now I know how Jesus walks on water.. you just need to know where the stepping stones are!!!!!"
From Mip - "every sunday, at precisely 8.37am it was sister agnus' turn to practice walking on water...'Oh cr*p, she really was going to have to try harder!'"
Thanks again guys, for your captions.
Now I'm expecting a few more this time round, given the picture I've found. Check it out and test your film knowledge also at Fun Stuff
Previous Newsletters -
Catch up on old newsletters here, in case you missed them. -
. Issue 3 - June 2008
. Issue 2 - April 2008
. Issue 1 - February 2008