UKDOG Newsletter

Issue 3 - June 2008

News in Brief -
. Welcome to New Members
. Three Peaks Rally
. John's Featured Drifter
. History from Denny Berg

One Drifter among the Indians, June 2008

Hello again, from Rocketdog and welcome to the third edition of the bi-monthly UKDOG newsletter. Having just come back from camping at the Indian Riders/Indian Owners Strawberry Field Rally at Magdalen, Nr Kings Lynn, I can't wait till our next UKDOG Three Peaks Rally in August. Just need to get a proper warm sleeping bag first !!

Update on the "Boss" - I'm pleased to say that the medication is still helping with Paul's condition and he's actually been able to get out on his bike a few times for short distances. He still has a long haul ahead and a way to getting his strength back again, but the general outlook is much better than a couple of months ago. He really appreciates the phone calls he's had and hopes that he'll be able to catch up with everyone later in the year.

Welcome to our newest members -
          #235 Dave Nelson from Colwyn Bay
          #236 Jed from Westerham, Kent
          #237 Ken Johnson from Bolton, Lancs
          #238 Mark Lees from Bedfordshire
          #239 Malcolm Ridings from Manchester
          #240 Bob Sharpe from Beyton, Nr Bury St, Edmunds
          #A010 Wayne Baxter from Canada

          Plus a very special welcome to our Honorary Member, #0000048 Denny Berg, none other than one of the four men responsible for the design and production of your Drifter, along with Ken Boyko, Don Emde and John Hoover. For more info, check out the Drifter History link on 'About us' and Denny's contribution

Featured Drifter -
Following on from Phils' Drifter featured for April and Paul's for May, Indian John's Drifter is now the feature for June. Check them all out in the 'Featured Drifter' gallery and get snapping with those cameras to be featured next month.

Member Profile -
More of you have joined in with sending in profile details. As mentioned previously we really are a very well travelled group and I can honestly say that I don't thing we'll ever go short of topics for conversation given that and the varied hobbies, musical tastes and favourite foods, not to mention the variety of motorcycles owned. Remember - everyone in the group is welcome to send in their own profile details (including website or business info), whether you're the captain or the co-pilot !! Check them out at Member Profile

Meets and stuff -
The Three Peaks Rally - The date for the UKDOG Summer Rally has been set as the weekend of the 8th-10th August, at Horton near Ribblesdale, the venue is the Golden Lion. For the latest updates, keep an eye on the forum and check back regularly with the 'Three Peaks' rally details on the events page.

You can also read Nigels report and check out more pictures from the "Freezing The Dragon" Rally at Swallow Falls. We both really missed that and look forward to catching up with everyone who went.

I've also posted up a few words on Mick's excellent Ride-out in Essex

Hints & Tips -
Thanks to Phil for sending me a load of hints & tips, including a long list Paul had written out ages ago. I'm going to put all of these on the web asap with those already under the Technical section and make a separate area for them, including a form, like sale & wanted etc. so that people can send their own H&Ts in to share with everyone. As with most major updates, I'll let people know on the forum when it's all sorted, here's one to keep you going -

"Add a cheap fridge magnet, preferably a flexy one, to your oil filter. It will keep any metal bits inside the filter and prevent damage to the engine."

Breakdown Help -
This is another idea discussed a while back, which Phil is also trying to kickstart again. The idea is for anyone who wishes to, to put forward their name and contact no. along with any offer of support to anyone in need of help. This can be from a cuppa and support by the side of the road, to pick up on a trailer or in a van, help with repairs, offer of a spanner, a spare room for the night... etc. People may also like to offer a room for fellow Drifters visiting in their area, the choice is entirely yours. Anything offered is welcomed and it would be nice to cover the country as much as we could. It's something that can be explained and discussed more at the Summer Rally.

Fun Stuff -
Well it tempted a couple of you. Silvio and Nigel both correctly identified the picture as a chain link. MC picked out the winning ticket and congratulations to Nigel, the magnetic dish is drifting it's way to your doorstep as you read this. As a special as there were only two entries this time, I found another one that's on it's way to Silvio also.

We also had a couple of captions for the 'crashed crane' at Felixstowe from -

Phil's entry - "Oh Shit!!!!!forgot to tighten that last bolt"



Thanks for entering into the spirit of things, sorry though, there is no £1000 prize, not this time, but when I win the lottery... who knows.

Check by for the latest competitions and quizes at Fun Stuff

Previous Newsletters -
Catch up on old newsletters here, in case you missed them. -

. Issue 2 - April 2008
. Issue 1 - February 2008

UKDOG Club Patches available - click thumbnail for details

If you'd like to contribute to the newsletter or have your Drifter featured, please email us with the details.
Closing date for the next issue is Sunday 27th July 2008.

(Email no longer active)

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