UKDOG Newsletter

Issue 1 - February 2008

News In Brief -
. Best wishes to Jeannie
. Welcome to New Members
. Calls for Featured Drifter
. Don't forget Swallow Falls

First ever UKDOG Rally at Matlock in Derbyshire, June 2005

Welcome to the first bi-monthly UKDOG online newsletter. It's an idea I've had for a while and it seemed like the appropriate time to launch it alongside the new revamped website. In keeping with the idea, above is a group pic from the campsite at our first ever UKDOG Rally at the Plough at Two Dales near Matlock in Derbyshire in 2005. For more info and pics check out the writeups on the Events page.

Get well soon -
Best wishes to Phil's wife Jeannie who appears to now also be affectionately known as 'Mrs C'. Everyone at UKDOG hopes that you continue to make a speedy recovery following your recent hospital stay. MC picked the flowers specially for you Jeannie!!!

Welcome to our newest members -
          #224 Ana & Kris from Wrexham in North Wales
          #225 David Fowler from Worthing in Sussex
          #226 Phil Salter from Fareham in Hampshire
          #227 Steve Chatwin from Kettering
          #228 Geoff Gatrell from Surrey

Featured Drifter -
With the launch of the new website, we've re-introduced the 'Featured Drifter' gallery, so here's your chance to get your pride and joy shown in more detail. I'm hoping that with enough interest, we will be able to have a calendar printed to commemerate the 10th anniversary of the Drifter production in 2009, using pictures from the Members Gallery and Featured Drifter. More details on that later on in the year

Member Profile -
I've kicked the ball rolling with the new Member Profile concept along with Phil. If you'd like to join in then check out the details in the link above. Remember you can also shout in brief about your business and any services you may be able to offer to the group without having your own webspace.

Meets and stuff -
Get ready for Swallow Falls - Don't forget to sort out your B&B or camping for the first UKDOG meet on April 18-20th 2008. Contact the hotel direct at to book up. You won't be dissapointed, it's a great place to stay and Nigel & Gino know all the best roads around North Wales to show you stunningly beautiful scenery. Last year we had georgous sunshine as we munched scummy Fish n Chips parked up along the waterfront at Conway. Great riding, great company, great food and great views, what more could you ask for.
For more info on events throughout the year go to the Events page.

Hot tip -
Got melted plastic or waterproof marks stuck on your otherwise shiney chrome exhausts? - try applying a thin coat of paint stripper or oven cleaner on a cold exhaust and leave on for 5-10 minutes before wiping off with a soft cloth and then giving it a quick wipe over with WD40.

Want a good replacement shock for your 800 Drifter? - fit Hagon shocks as a replacement for a better quality ride. Not only are they cheaper than standard replacements, they are fully adjustable and can be rebuilt. Have a smoother ride all round. Check out these and many other hints on the Technical page.

Dealer news -
Remember that there is a host of aftermarket accessories available for the Drifters. Check out those we have listed on the Accessories page for more info, and remember to let us know if you find new contacts we can add

UKDOG Club Patches available - click thumbnail for details

If you'd like to contribute to the newsletter or have your Drifter featured, please email us with the details.
Closing date for the next issue is Thursday 20th March 2008.

(Email no longer active)

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