Cod 'n Chips lunch break at Conway during last years Swallow Falls Meet, April 2007
Hi everyone, it's time for the second edition of the UKDOG online newsletter. Thanks for all the positive comments on this and the new website, it's very much appreciated and nice to know that people are enjoying the site. Don't forget to let me have your ideas on what you'd like to see in the future.
Many Thanks -
Paul and I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks again to everyone whose contacted us about Paul's illness. Thanks also to all the UKDOG members who sent us the beautiful flowers and heartfelt wishes. As we said at the time, they gave both of us a lump in our throats, to know you guys were thinking of us. After several worrying and frustrating weeks, it finally looks as though the medication is starting to work and he's looking forward to trying to build up his strength again and hopefully kick things into remission.
Welcome to our newest members -
#229 Jim from St Neots
#230 Rod Gibbons from Essex
#231 Micheal Perrella from Portsmouth
#232 Tony Hearn from Brentwood
#233 Steve Phillips from Brighton
#234 John & Sally Gwillim from Brightlingsea
#A008 Claudio from Italia
#A009 Marek Matysik from Poland
Featured Drifter -
Check out our first member to send us some pics and info for the relaunch of the
'Featured Drifter' gallery. It's Phil, whose kicked the ball rolling again and hopefully inspiring others to take part over the forthcoming months ahead. Remember that I'm still hoping that with enough interest, we can get a Drifter commemerative calendar done for the 10th anniversary of production in 2009 using the gallery pictures you send us in. So please get your cameras out and start snapping away.
Member Profile -
We've also had three members send in some details for this already and it provides some interesting reading so far. We seem to be a well travelled group if these guys are anything to go by. Check them out at Member Profile and if you'd like to join in then just fill in the free-format text form and hit send, or mail us at ukdog. (See details below)
Meets and stuff -
Swallow Falls - This month (April 18-20th) a number of you are already planning your trip to Swallow Falls in North Wales for another 'Baby Dragon'. If any of you are still undecided, all I can say is go. The scenery is beautifull, the hotel is welcoming and for anyone whose not been to a UKDOG Rally or Rideout yet, you really won't meet a nicer bunch of people. As I type this, I'm recalling Saturday night's inpromtu entertainment with a huge smile on my face and I think I probably speak for everyone when I say there was an awfull lot of fun and laughter had by all. Sadly we can't make this one at this time, so we'll be relying on the usual suspects (and anyone else who'd like to) to send us lots of pics and writeups for the web. Hotel details can be found at
Essex Ride-Out - Also remember that Mick is kindly sorting out a ride in Essex on May 4th and everyone is welcomed to join in.
For more info on events throughout the year go to the Events page and also keep a check on the
Hot tip -
To make your black paint (satin or gloss) even blacker, use Mr Sheen polish because it contains more silicons than most polishes, and won't leave a residue.
Got any other tips you'd like to share, just drop us an email at the usual address and get published !!
Guest Book -
Don't forget to let us have any comments/feedback via the Guestbook form, such as Gerry Westland's idea of a ride to support the website.
Fun Stuff -
To tempt you into entering the identity competition this month (April 08), here is an invaluable accessory for your workshop!!!. To win this, just visit the Fun Stuff page and identify the picture. In the usual spirit, to make it fair, if we get more than one, all correct answers will be put into a helmet and MC will draw out the lucky winner. AND... if you have a joke, quiz or picture you'd like to send us for June 08, just email it in.
Previous Newsletters -
Well now we've got a second newsletter, we can have a section for previous issues, in case you missed them. -
Issue 1 - February 2008