August 2008 :
. Caption contest
. Joke of the month
. Recipe
. Funny Picture
. Film Trivia Quiz
June's Winners & Answers
Caption Contest (Aug 08) -
Send in your caption by email

Phil's caption - "I pulled you over because she's not wearing something...a HELMET!!!!!"
If you think this one is funny, page down a bit further !!.
Jokes (Aug 08)
A married couple were asleep when the telephone rang at two in the morning. The wife picked up the telephone, listened a moment and said, "How should I know, that's 200 miles from here!" and hung up. The husband says -"Who was that?" The wife replies" I don't know; some woman wanting to know 'if the coast is clear."
A cop was driving back to the station after his shift when a Porsch in front of him took off like a bullet.He caught up to the speeder and said look, I don't have a lot of time to write you a ticket so give me one good excuse why you were speeding and I'll let you go. The driver said " honest truth officer...Two weeks ago, my wife took off with a policeman , and I thought you were bringing her back ! He went free.
There was a farmer, and one day he was looking out of his window at his fields, and he noticed all these animals stealing his fruit and veg. So he rushed outside shouting 'If anyone comes stealing my fruit and veg again I'll take it and stick it up your bum!'. All the animals slunk off muttering. Next day he was looking out of his window and he saw a rabbit stealing a carrot. So the farmer rushed out, grabbed the rabbit, grabbed the carrot and stuck it up its bum. To the farmer's surprise the rabbit started laughing. Confused, the farmer asked 'Why are you laughing? I've stuck a carrot up your bum!'. The rabbit replied 'There's a mouse over there stealing a watermelon!'
Recipe (Aug 08) - Baked Stuffed Marrow
Ingredients -
1 medium-sized marrow
fat for greasing
1 small onion
200 g (7 oz) minced beef
100 g pork sausage meat or 100 g extra minced beef
1/2 cup (30 g) soft white breadcrumbs
1 tbsp chopped parsley
1 tbsp chopped chives
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
salt and pepper
1 egg
250 ml cheese sauce
Method -
Halve the marrow lengthways and scoop out the seeds.
Lay each half side by side, in a well greased, large, shallow casserole.
Skin and chop the onion finely or grate it. Put into a basin with the beef, sausage-meat, if used, breadcrumbs, parsley, chives, Worcestershire sauce, and seasoning. Mix well.
Beat the egg until liquid and use it to bind the mixture.
Divide the stuffing between each marrow half. Cover the dish and bake in a moderate oven, 180°C, Gas 4, for 1 hour.
Strain off most of the liquid in the casserole.
Pour the cheese sauce over the marrow and bake for a further 20 minutes, uncovered, or until the sauce is golden-brown.
Funny Picture (Aug 08) -
This one I found on the net, it just made me laugh so much my sides hurt.

Film Trivia Quiz (Aug 08) -
1) - What was Robert De Niro's circle in the Fockers?
2) - Name the mouse in the Green Mile?
3) - What played Eleanor in Gone in 60 Seconds?
4) - Who sold shower cutain rings in Planes, Trains & Automobiles?
5) - Which pretty woman became a lawyer's secretary?
7) - Who left the office to become a pirate?
8) - Who really rode the fastest Indian?
9) - Where did Will Smith find the galaxy?
10 - What's the connection between the 51st State, a stripper and James Bond?
11) - What does the L stand for in Samuel L Jackson?
12) - What did Jack try and control for Adam?
13) - Which God had a jagged little pill?
14) - Who shouldn't use a public call box?
15) - Which music teacher fell for Gwyneth?
16) - Which cat woman kicks up a storm?
Click here for the answers.
June's Answers (08)-
No-one recognised the eyes, so here they are -
1 - Mick Doohan
2 - Sete Gibernau
3 - James Toseland
4 - Noriyuki Haga
5 - Marco Melandri
6 - Barry Sheene
Thanks again for the entries for the caption contest for the 'Nun's picture -
From Phil - "Now I know how Jesus walks on water.. you just need to know where the stepping stones are!!!!!"
From Mip - "every sunday, at precisely 8.37am it was sister agnus' turn to practice walking on water...'Oh cr*p, she really was going to have to try harder!'"
Jun 08 - FunStuff