Drifter Manuals (Click on thumbnail for details)

Aside from the industry standard 'Haynes' manual available for the Vulcan 800 which has additions for the Drifter, you can also get the official Kawasaki workshop manuals which are obvioulsy far more detailed in both their documentation and actual content as they are specific to the Drifter. If you are considering doing anything more than simple maintenance, these manuals are thoroughly recommended. Although they might appear costly, when you compare them to the price of a single oil change, let alone the inital cost you might outlay for your bike, the price is really insignificant.


Haynes VN800

Kawasaki 800

Kawasaki 1500

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Available through most bike dealers or direct from www.haynes.com the manual covers Kawasaki Vulcan 700/750 & 800 '85 to '01.
There are a lot of common features to the Drifter and where there are differences, the manual makes specific references for the Drifter, such as in the Frame & Bodywork section. In other areas it might not be immediately obvious that you generally follow the comments for the Vulcan 800 models.


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The Kawasaki Motorcycle Service Manual is a must for anyone considering doing anything in depth mechanically on their 800 Drifter. Not only is the manual dedicated to the bike, it's content is invaluable, covering everything from basic maintenance to complete diagrams and procedures for overhauling everything. You can sometimes pick one up on Ebay, otherwise check with your local Kawasaki dealer or contact Cradley Heath Kawasaki (Tel 01384 633455) via their website at https://www.cradleykawasaki.co.uk/contact.

VN800-C Basic Manual.............(Part no. 99924-1183-05)
VN800-E Basic Manual.............(Part no. 99924-1270-01)
800 Drifter Supplement Manual....(Part no. 99924-1247-51)


Sample diagram

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Kawasaki Motorcycle Service Manual is a must for anyone considering doing anything in depth mechanically on their 1500 Drifter. Not only is the manual dedicated to the bike, it's content is invaluable, covering everything from basic maintenance to complete diagrams and procedures for overhauling everything. You can sometimes pick one up on Ebay, otherwise check with your local Kawasaki dealer or contact Cradley Heath Kawasaki (Tel 01384 633455) via their website at https://www.cradleykawasaki.co.uk/contact.

VN1500-J Basic Manual........... (Part no. 99924-1246-01)

VN1500-R Basic Manual............


Cable routing diagram

Toolbox location

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