Latest Rally News:- 12th April 2007
This year's main rally will be based in Tangham Forest in the heart of rural Suffolk, close to the East Coast. This year we'll be having a raffle to raise funds for a local animal rescue/shelter. Tickets will be £1 each so please buy as many as you can. You'll have seen the logo's of our sponsors on the main rally page and there's a list of prizes below, very kindly donated by these guys who have been extremely generous and gone the extra mile to support our rally.
We'll be providing breakfast free for all of those camping (egg's, beans, tomatoes, toast etc). We'll have some lunch while out during the day ..but for the evening we'll be doing a 'cookout' on the Friday (Chilli.. pasta.. salad.. bread etc) and a BBQ on Saturday.(approx. £4 max per meal/person) There will also be free tea, coffee & biscuits available all weekend.
We'll also have 'Best 800 Drifter' ..'Best 1500 Drifter' ..'Furthest travelled' etc.. plus the obligatory rally T-shirt.
To enable us to gauge how many will be requiring food.. camping .. etc, please fill in the registration form and get it back to us as soon as possible. We will confirm receipt.
It all starts on Friday 29th with Drifters arriving at camp throughout the day. We have access to our camping area from mid-day. Anyone wanting to ride and explore the area during the day.. we'll have maps available. That evening we'll have the cookout.. a few beers.
We start Saturday 30th with breakfast, then around 11am we'll head out for a ride around for a few hours ..but as this is summer in one of the busiest parts of Suffolk.. things can get a little 'busy' on the roads around here, so we wont be covering 100's of miles. Instead I'd rather show everyone some of the sights & sounds of my 'back yard' and keep it fairly local. Again we'll have maps printed up so if anyone wants to hang back at any particular area and meet up further down the road.. thats fine.
On the way back to camp we can pick up some bevvies for an evening drink.. (or nip out later on) ..then that evening we'll have the BBQ.. the raffle.. and bike awards etc.
Sunday 1st we'll have some breakfast.. then sadly it's up with the tent pegs.. and saying our goodbyes until next time..!
Prizes donated -
Mad Products - Bottle of 'Mad Gold' (Rum.!)
Phil's Motorcycle Mall - Highway Hawk 1500 Brake/Clutch reservoir covers and universal mudflaps
M&P - Nitro N200VX Helmet
Haynes Manuals - 'The Kawasaki Story'
Baglux - 2 x £20 gift vouchers
Hein Gericke - £50 gift voucher
Kawasaki UK - Casual lightweight jacket, Fleece tops, Mesh baseball caps, Keyrings, Neckcords, Badges, Summer riding gloves, 'Team Green' Kawasaki Bear
Anyone wishing to contribute, please feel free to contact me at