Suffolk Punch Rally 2007
The Suffolk Punch or Rain didn`t stop play or a boogie in a barn.
After finishing work Thursday morning I joined the Don for the ride to Suffolk. We hit the M56 then
the M6 then the A14 then next thing we knew we were in Eyke at the elephant and castle. I booked in
then we had a beer and nice it was too. Paul and Lesley joined us for a swift half or two and after
an interesting take away it was time for bed. Friday dawned and it was off to the camp in the
forest meeting up with Bongo where we assisted some schoolchildren in dismantling there camp in
exchange for lunch accompanied by very heavy showers.Paul and Lesley arrived and we set about
erecting the marquee/gazeebo type thingy in a force 8 gale . This became something of a losing
battle wind 8 gazeebo nil.
Fortunately some of Gino`s friends arrived and offered the use of their field and barn.
We accepted this with alacrity and much gratitude after a quick check and decamped off to the new
venue leaving messages that we had moved venues.
The new location was ideal with a garden room with shower and loo for our use Les and Paul worked
like Trojans transferring and setting up the new venue ensuring brews were available on constant
tap for the doggies as they arrived. The evening cook out was delicious with Les`s vegetable curry
a real treat the proof of the pudding so to speak was all the grub was demolished with great gusto.
Saturday arrived wet and squally with sunny spells and at the appointed hour we set of on our
peregrinations around Suffolk’s delightful byways stopping for lunch by a fine old castle.
We did run into some dancing boys in the town square but that story is for another day. Andy and I
found a deli where I purchased a roll and a pie of heroic proportions Bongo seeing the size of my
pie immediately offered to help me with it and suiting the action to the word scoffed half of it
with delight.
Returning to the camp after a lovely run that was paced nicely with just enough of a challenge to
be interesting. Barbecues were lit salads prepared rolls were split and preparations continued
apace for the evenings revelries. Much hilarity was enjoyed during the evening with a raffle for
the local animal shelter, thanks to our host who donated a prize of a bath that was auctioned off.
We also had a raffle of various drifter and Kawasaki related goodies donated from generous
companies and members. This raised a tremendous some of £350 or thereabouts.
Certain folks who shall remain nameless did rather too well in the raffle raising suspicions that
skulduggery was at work. There were a few bleary eyes the next morning but Paul and Les did the
group proud with a lovely breakfast and with heavy hearts and happy memories the doggies finally
broke up to return home. Gino Bongo and me left around lunchtime after Paul did a quick oil change
on Gino`s bike.
The ride home was fairly interesting with horrible showers and a missed turning leaving me and Gino on the A1m necessitating a drastic change of route. We finally arrived home at about 8pm on Sunday night and poor Gino was totally cream crackered . Having done a grand tour of the midlands A roads . We really cannot thank Lesley and Paul enough for the tremendous effort they put in to the week end , working extremely hard for the enjoyment of all who came. Adieu until the run to the hills in September