Many original Indians had accessory tool bags, and you can add this nostalgic touch to
your bike. However, this bag is securily steel riveted to a custom bracket for a much
cleaner and more practical look.
The bag measures approximately 5 by 10 inches and will give you extra storage space for
specialty and accessory tools that won't fit the standard tool compartment. PLUS it
hides that ugly voltage regulator that hangs on the left side of the bike.
Features include:
* Thick cowhide for durability
* Riveted corners for strength
* Silicone waterproofing
* Metal twist clasp - no straps or buckles
* Full length metal bracket to prevent sagging
* Gloss black powdewr coated custom mounting bracket
* Easy installation with complete instructions.
A real retro look with a lot of practicality for your 800 Drifter - your choice of studded
or fringe model to fit your biuke's style.
$54.95 with $25 Air Priority European shipping