"Dark `Tan `Yin"

1. Drifter 02 model.....10,000Kms......New name..."Dark`Tan`Yin"

2. Did`nt want to be another Clone an a liked the bobbed look,

3. So started to chop

4. Front Mudguard From a Honda VT600 Shadow, slightly opened an homemade stays welded on

5. Rear mudguard from Milngavie Trailers, Glasgow. Cut in Half an again two sets of stays made up an welded on, both mudguards run tight on the wheel by about 10mm

6. Rear light from local bike shop was atwin but cut in half down the middle an mounted on my rear Drive unit

7. Seat, From Motolux Edinburgh, Scotlands only Indian Shop, from a replica Indian Cheif 1948, also springs an gubbins to get it to sit properly,[Best investment] as it glides as if on the clouds now with its sprung an original suspension

8. Bikini Beach Bars, bought from a pal,

9. Headlight, from a Fatboy Harley, again from a pal

10. Indicators, from US ebay,,, for a song

11. Pipes, Vance an Hinds Classic 2`s again second hand from US ebay, another song,

12. Paint, By Geoff Stoat Holytown Scotland , [a pal]

13. Some coach lines an name made from stickers made to order from again another two pals..Ian, an Mark,

14. All works carried out , ie, all the chops, cutting, Grinding, welding, push an squeeze to fit an fabwork done By Tam mc Meechan, Blantyre, Scotland, agian a pal a good pal...

15. Tyres , Bridgestone Exedra`s

16. All design , an sought out parts by me the owner," Mabozzar "

17. BUILT IN SCOTLAND [Pampered] Now ye`s all know, so go an try something different.........Jist fur a change.... "Dark`Tan`Yin"

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