Alex's 1500 'Mak Machine'

I believe that the chromed version of the Drifter (R1 and up) fits a number of cultural art generations. Just think of the Roaring 20's art deco ie the 1936 Cord 810 Westchester or New Yorks Chrysler Building, or consider the 1950's full bodied cars and their over pronunciation of body features, like Chevrolet or Cadillac.

Art Deco was and is my inspiration every time I look at the Drifter but wanted to take it further, much further. I wanted to have something that spells out ART DECO. So I decided to maintain and produce clear flowing lines that "finish" with just a hint of symmetry to achieve a balanced look.I wanted to blend colour with metal, innovation with practicality, uniqueness without breaking the bank and I wanted a paint job that wouldn't take away from or interfere with the bike's clean curves, flow and appearance.

Completely custom made is only the handlebar and although I kept the wheels, the spokes have been replaces with twisted S/S type spokes. All other parts are off the shelf albeit from a variety of suppliers including parts for HD. Even the colour (code) is stock standard to Nissan, Aspen Pearl.With the exception of the handlebar, paint job, wheel spokes, extended brake lines and a complete replacement of all possible bolts (100's) with chrome Alan bolts and caps, all parts were sourced from the USA through dealers, manufacturers and even e-bay. I ended up with over 23 different suppliers including Corbin which did customize the seat for me and Arlen Ness which customized THEIR custom parts range for me. With both I had one-on-one discussions and Arlen Ness even sent me an by Cory and Arlen autographed catalogue with congratulations and best wishes. That is a nice compliment I think.

The most time consuming part was the disassembling and while at it, thorough servicing, of the bike. It was taken apart right down to the frame cradle with only the engine left inside. Swing arm, drive shaft, steering and forks were all taken off for chroming or painting, while wiring became completely rerouted and extended were needed, ie handlebar (wires 8 inch longer and inside the bars). I kept track of the modifications and categorised them as follows:

Brake and clutch and related: 11 modifications

Hand and foot controls and related: 10 modifications

Engine and related: 23 modifications

General: 17 modifications

Electrical and related: 7 modifications

Leather and related: 4 modification

Suspension and related: 5 modifications

These modifications I distinctly remember

Every time I look at the MakMachine I start to smile and I know that I accomplished something I always dreamed of! I hope you like it - I know I do and I doubt I ever get tired of it.

Ride safe Mak

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